Our Initiatives
On this page we are highlighting all of the projects, movements, initiatives, and dismantling being worked on by the amazing behavior consultants at SBS, several other partner agencies, and our industry allies across Indiana.
Indiana Behavior Association (IBA)
The Indiana Behavior Association is a non-profit, public benefit corporation. The Corporation is organized for educational purposes, including, without limitation, the following: establishing and maintaining a professional association for the promotion of best practices across the Behavior Management industry, encouraging and promoting genuine free choice of a disabled person to select the clinician they want to work with, establishing, promoting, maintaining, endowing, and rendering aid and assistance, financial or otherwise, to the clinicians within the Behavior Management industry, and providing education and networking opportunities within the Behavior Management industry. https://indianabehaviorassociation.com/
Indiana Behavior Association's podcast was established to provide an unprecedented opportunity for all Indiana Medicaid Waiver practitioners and individuals served to have a voice. These long format discussions are intended to be transparent conversations about all things occurring within our industry.
If you have a topic you want to discuss or would love to come on the show, email us at IndianaBehaviorAssociation@gmail.com
IBA Podcast "Cease & Desist"
Mini Series: Serpico
Mini Series: Board Certified
Season 2:
Season 3:
Season 4:
Special Needs Living Magazine
Special Needs Living Magazine is a monthly magazine written by families, caregivers, and individuals with special needs. It is filled with resources and great information to celebrate, impact, and connect the community together. Supportive Behavior Services is thrilled to have partnered with such a great media outlet to work together to further impact and improve Indiana's disabilities industry.